Preparing for the Cursillo weekend

For both Sponsors and Pilgrims (Candidates)

Do you want to Attend a Weekend?

  1. First, try to contact someone who has already attended a Cursillo Weekend, and ask if they might know someone who could be your sponsor.  A sponsor guides someone through the process of attending a Cursillo, and handles some of the logistics.
  2. But if you don’t know someone who might act as your sponsor, PLEASE email and let us know what church you attend. We will match up you with someone.
  3. Your sponsor will discuss with you what you need to bring to the weekend, will prepare you for the weekend, and will answer any of your questions regarding your weekend.
  4. Afterwards, your sponsor will help you after the weekend to process what you’ve experienced and connect you with others.

Do you have someone you would like to sponsor?

  1. Consult with the potential Pilgrim (also known as Candidates) about their ability to attend the weekend.  Be sure their schedule is clear and offer to help with errands or childcare as necessary, so that their weekend is free of worry.   Be sure to ask potential clergy Pilgrims enough in advance for the congregation to arrange for supply clergy.
  2. Pilgrims should not be in the midst of major life stresses, which would interfere with their ability to focus on the content of the Weekend.
  3. Discuss the sleeping arrangements (depending on the setting, beds or sleeping bags on the floor) and offer your Pilgrim an opportunity for an inflatable bed if needed.  Men and women sleep in different areas (even spouses).
  4. After consulting with a potential Pilgrims about attending a Cursillo weekend, provide them with a Pilgrim Application (see link below).
  5. Ask the Pilgrim to complete the application and ask them to return it to you, the sponsor.
  6. You complete a Cursillo Sponsor Form (link found below).
  7. Obtain the signature of the clergy of the Pilgrim, endorsing that this candidate is prepared to attend a Cursillo Weekend (the space for this endorsement is part of the sponsor form).
  8. Send (snail mail or email a scanned copy of the forms; be sure to keep a copy of all pages in case they are needed later) the Pilgrim and sponsor application pages to:
    Nikki Blackwell, Treasurer/Registrar  (email address below)
    3665 Lachs Ct. S,  Salem, OR 97302   
          N.B. – Be sure to send the $100 fee for your Pilgrim, with check made out to Oregon Episcopal Cursillo.
  9. The sponsor will be notified of your Pilgrim’s acceptance. Please maintain good and constant contact with your Pilgrim to answer any questions that may come up. You should inform your Pilgrim of pertinent information as outlined on page one of the Sponsor Form (your responsibilities to the candidate’s weekend, AND your responsibility for facilitating Fourth Day activities.
  10. Sponsors should be sure to submit the Pilgrim Application, the Sponsor Form, and the fee as early as possible to ensure timely processing.


 *   Treasurer/Registrar:  Nikki Blackwell, 

 Cursillo Forms:

Current Pilgrim Application

          * I want a sponsor form Cursillo Sponsorship Application      

 *  Be sure to send the Applications (Pilgrim and Sponsor) and check for $100 per candidate to Nikki Blackwell at the address shown above.